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We've No Regrets - Fani-Kayode

Director of Me­dia and Pub­licity of the Peoples Demo­cratic Party Presiden­tial Campaign Organ­isation (PDPPCO), Femi Fani-Kayode, has said his committee has no re­gret over the way it con­ducted the campaigns of the party’s presidential candidate, Dr. Good­luck Jonathan.

Addressing newsmen yesterday in Abuja, Fani- Kayode said he had noth­ing personal against the All Progressives Con­gress (APC) presiden­tial candidate, Muham­madu Buhari, who won weekend’s presidential election and other chief­tains of the main opposi­tion party, who were at the receiving end of the sustained attacks of the PDPPCO.

Fani-Kayode said: “On the day of the election when I went to vote at Ile-Ife, I held a press con­ference in which I told the people that more than anything else, we should try our very best to keep the peace in this country and to keep the country moving forward. I also reminded them that in ev­ery election there would always be a winner and a loser.

“It is a mark of our humanity, and it is also symptomatic of the type of people that we are and who we are, that when the time comes, we can say we fought a good fight but we lost.

“And having lost, it does not mean that it is the end to the world; it just means that we need to re-group, re-organise ourselves and begin the process all over again because another election will come in a few years’ time. And that is where we are today.

“We have conceded that we have lost. We ac­knowledge the fact that we fought a good fight. We do not have any fears about the future. We did the right thing during the campaigns. We have no regret about our candi­date or the way in which we conducted our cam­paigns and we will live to fight another day.

“Finally, let me com­mend all our colleagues on the other side for also standing up for what they believed in. There was absolutely nothing per­sonal as regards this di­rectorate or myself.

“I had nothing personal against anybody. I was simply doing my job for which I have no regrets and I wish them well and I sincerely hope that they will take Nigeria to a level that we can all be proud of. May God grant each and every one of us peace.

“May He watch over our nation; may He guide our president for the next two months while he is still in power and there­after, may He guide and lead the President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari, in the herculean task ahead of him.”

Commending Presi­dent Goodluck Jonathan for having the courage to concede defeat, the for­mer Minister of Aviation also congratulated the APC presidential candi­date, Buhari, on winning the election.

“We also wish to com­mend President Jonathan for having the courage to concede that he has lost the election at the earliest moment and also for be­ing able to stand up and rise above party politics and being able to speak like a statesman.

“We, therefore, urge the Nigerian people and our teeming supporters to stand firm and continue to support the democratic process and continue to agitate for a better Nige­ria.

“We urge them to con­tinue to support our party, the PDP as best as they can even though we lost this election.

“We ask them to co-operate with the incom­ing government and to re­member that we are first and foremost Nigerians before anything else.”


We've No Regrets - Fani-Kayode We've No Regrets - Fani-Kayode Reviewed by Onlne Business Solutions on 06:04:00 Rating: 5

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