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If It Is Called Salary, It Will Never Be Enough

Jack Ma, the richest man in China said:

If you put Bananas and Money in front of Monkeys, monkeys will choose Bananas because monkeys do not know that money can buy a lot of Bananas.

IN REALITY, if you offer JOB and BUSINESS to people, they would choose JOB because most people do not know that BUSINESS can bring more MONEY than wages.

Robert Kiyosaki, author of the best selling book "RICH DAD, POOR DAD" and also a business partner of Donald Trump said:
"One of the reasons poor people are poor, is because they are NOT TRAINED TO RECOGNIZE ENTREPRENEURSHIP OPPORTUNITIES.

They spend too much time in school and what they have learnt in school, is to WORK FOR WAGES instead of MONEY WORKING FOR THEM.

"Profit is better than wages, for wages can make you a living but profits can bring you a fortune."

THINK INVESTMENT and stop fighting over increments of salaries, it still won't be enough

if it is called salary, it will never be enough for your challenges and issues
If It Is Called Salary, It Will Never Be Enough If It Is Called Salary, It Will Never Be Enough Reviewed by Onlne Business Solutions on 09:17:00 Rating: 5


  1. Absolutely true Dr, categorically speaking depending wholly on salary can't make you a wealthy, but it quite unfortunate that the environment will find ourselves it's business friendly for the enterpreneur to thrive very well.

    1. We are in thus world to live and not just to exist and to thrive and not just to keep striving
      If we are not living if we are barely existing then we need to double down on our hustles

  2. I agree with the mindset of Jack Ma and Robert Kiyosaki on how to make and invest money. The usual challenge is that people need to be told and motivated time and time and again for them to come to the understanding that ideas rules the world and that it is not peculiar to your sex, origin, religion, ethnicity or level of educational attainment. Thank you for opening my mind Sir to this concept of financial intelligence.

    1. We called ourselves into the Ministry of Encouragement and we are trying to live up to our calling

  3. How I wish many people will know this truth before its too late.

    1. Abd they shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free

  4. Thanks for the reminder, though in some real life scenarios especially when there are bills to pay and responsibilities to cater for, business won't be able to attend to that especially when it's really pressing. The issue is that we jump from the salary work we are doing and start a business without adequate planning and preparation. Salary is not enough and will never be enough, while we earn the so called salary, let not not be in a hu2to forget that it's never going to solve our real problems rather having a business with proper outsketch is really going to do a whole lots for us. Thank you sir

  5. I'm even beginning to think that saying that salary is not and will never be enough is a huge understatement. Sure it may be good to start out with some regular income as salary but to think it will indeed meet yr real needs, is simply laughable. Those of us who have experienced this know that we just got stuck to our salaries cos we are afraid to take risks. However, now that we are retired and experience first hand the financial insecurity that comes from not taking risks during our active lives are now back to taking those same risks when we ought to be enjoying financial freedom. If I had understood money earlier, I wouldn't have gone for salaried job. I would make the money and still serve my nation, which I found joy doing anyway. It's good to understand money, get it and actually do what one loves doing!

    1. Very true
      Most workers suffer from Salary Dependent Syndrome and unless they take the bull by the horn they will find out that they will retire to poverty

  6. Salary,slavery of the the highest order.It will never make any man comfortable with it to think outside the box to make money.

  7. I remember when I worked with the insurance sector, I and other of my colleagues called our salaries "money for lunch" because as its also commonly called a "take home pay", we discovered it never took us out the office door let to talk of it taking us home.

    1. That's it
      Before the salary comes it has already been spent

  8. Dr.Dennis Ekwedike: What can I say than to make haste while there is strength to do so... Someone once said that salary is the bribe they give to keep one perpetually poor !

    1. And that's the truth
      No employer will actually pay you your knowledge worth otherwise they will be out of business

  9. Karl Marx spoke against the alienation done by the rich class. Working only for a salary can never make one to live in opulence. You will spend your whole life managing. This is why investments is the key.

    1. The Rich does no alienation it is the poor that decide to judge the Rich and give them all manner of names to justify keeping away from them.

  10. Being an entrepreneur is the way forward!


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