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Post Your CV

This Company is accepting CVs from interested applicants and they also want to leverage on your membership of social media sites to attract quality traffic to themselves for which they are willing to pay you some token as a compensation.

I am not in the know yet of the modalities for the choice of those to be paid, but it is worth giving attention to.

Click on this link Post My CV to sign up and start sharing your referral link on social media sites

Let's go do it
Post Your CV Post Your CV Reviewed by Onlne Business Solutions on 13:21:00 Rating: 5


  1. Replies
    1. Hello #ElvisOkey
      We are studying the system, but it does appear to be a lucky dip kind of thing
      depending on how many persons you were able to refer within the period
      so go ahead and register and start sharing your referral link


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