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It's Easter Sunday

Hurray it is Easter Sunday and our hearts are filled with joy that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Who came into this world to save mankind from her ubiquitous crimes and sins and reconcile mankind to God had completed His work when he was crucified on the Cross on the Good Friday and had risen from the day 3 days afterwards which is why we celebrate Easter.

It must be understood that Christ did not rise from the dead being 5th of April 2015 but we celebrate Easter today as a remembrance of this His wonderful act of love done once and for all on the Cross of Calvary and to remind ourselves that all the sacrifices needed to atone for sins and reconcile with God were done by Christ through His death and resurrection.

Without the death of Christ, there would have been no victory over sin and the pangs of hell and without His resurrection, there would have been no sanctification of the Church of God.

The resurrection of Christ is a pointer to the fact that one day - no matter when - all the dead shall rise again for the purpose of the final judgement.

If you are still wondering Christ is real or not, stop wondering and wandering, come home to Him, He will receive you with open arms and a smile on his face and this is irrespective of who you are, or the colour of your skin or the tongue of your language; as it is for the Jew so it is for the Gentiles.

Today, thank God for Christ

Christ is risen

He is risen indeed
It's Easter Sunday It's Easter Sunday Reviewed by Onlne Business Solutions on 06:19:00 Rating: 5

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