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Regional/State/Zonal/Town/City/LGA Coordinators Wanted For #DHNBOS


Prepare To Attend #dollarhuntersnga Business Opportunity Summits

We are coming to your  Town/City/School/Organization/Church/Mosque in due course, just get set to receive us because we mean well for your health and your wealth.

The #DHNBOS (dollarhuntersnga business opportunity summit) is a movement that is dedicated to empowering Nigerians of different callings and social strata financially and otherwise.

The movement is committed to helping Nigerians earn real and genuine pay from their activities online and offline.

Nigerians from 14 years and above who have access to the internet can actually earn real money from their activities there-in and those Nigerians who do not have access to the internet but have some forms of social capital or the other and can network among friends and associates can also benefit from those activities.

Thus our fields of operation cover the internet (online businesses) and the network marketing businesses (multi-level marketing businesses).

Our offline businesses help our participants to use the power of Leverage to help their pockets get bigger and their bank accounts swell with funds legitimately and legally earned.

It was Robert Kiyosaki who said that "if you want to remain poor, work alone or work for someone but if you want to be in business work with people but not for people".

Working with people to earn money is called Leverage and that's what we teach our Seminar Attendees how to do utilize the power of Leverage and smile to the bank regularly and not only at the end of the month.

With our offline businesses, you would be in business for yourself but not by yourself - we would be there to support you 100% all the way even after you have made your first million dollars.

The internet is no longer a dream as was the case 20 years ago but it is the in-thing now.

About 94 million Nigerians are hooked onto the internet in one way or the other.

Online shops and malls have emerged in Nigeria Online Space and are doing very well.

So Nigerians in their millions are buying and selling and also doing other online businesses now.

If you are on the internet and all you do is to chat on facebook or whatsapp or 2go or snapchat and you don't make money from those efforts of yours, then you need to do a re-think.

Our online business platform exposes our Seminar Attendees to the genuine and scam free online businesses that any Nigerian can do and earn real money.

These range from paid to post platforms, to paid to review businesses.

Do you know that you can make money for reading and commenting on a post?
Do you know that you can make money by posting articles on a site?
Do you that for reviewing a business or product, you can get paid for it?
Do you know that you can earn money from just asking questions?

And many other platforms

The #DHNBOS ocean liner is cruising around Nigeria, ensure that you come on board the ship whenever it docks at a harbour near you.

Would you like to collaborate with us, we are available for such arrangements.

We are also looking for Regional, Zonal, Town/City Coordinators for our Business Summits and Seminars.

You can reach us on

Email:     internetbizcreator@gmail.com
Phone:    +234 818-991-5555, +234 814-291-6777
Blog:        http://internetbizcreator.blogspot.com
Facebook:     https://www.facebook.com/makemoneyonline655

Twitter:        https://twitter.com/onlinebiz15
Regional/State/Zonal/Town/City/LGA Coordinators Wanted For #DHNBOS Regional/State/Zonal/Town/City/LGA Coordinators Wanted For #DHNBOS Reviewed by Onlne Business Solutions on 11:57:00 Rating: 5

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