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How To Stay Motivated In Business

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful. – Eric Thomas”

Starting a business is not easy as it may seem. What’s next? 
One of the hardest things to do in any business is staying motivated.
You want to quit your job and go full-time in your business, but often you may lack the discipline to do so.
The good news is that you do want more. You know you have a way to go full-time in building your empire if you work hard and stay committed to the process. How much would that mean to you by reaching that freedom.
Waking up every morning and getting ready to go to work, on your business, is not a normal thing to do. We as humans can hold back our own success at times due to mental blocks.
You want to be the best up-line as possible, you want to call your prospects, you want to earn that residual income that will give you the ability to quit your J.O.B, but you may fall short mainly because the beliefs you have. Believing in yourself is key to building your Empire.  (Believe In Yourself and Your Business)
Taking action and getting results will help you stay motivated in your business. Many Network Marketers quit because, lack of motivation and taking action. If you don’t know what you should be doing then how can you take action on it?

Two actions that will sure keep you motivated with building your empire.

You can start by having a Daily Routine,  and by having a big “WHY”. Let me explain.

Daily Routine

To begin your daily routine you want to first establish how many hours a day/week you want to work your business.  I recommend at least 2 hours a day, you can adjust to make it more hours, but remember you want to have consistency with your routine. Keep it reasonable for your schedule and also yourself.
You should find what income producing activities you will need to do every day to grow your business. Once you have them write them down. You want to keep track of  those activities also, so you can separate those activities into timed tasks.
Daily Routine (2 hours)
  1. Show presentations to 3 people(Video presentation, Recorded call, Webinar)- 30 mins
  2. Call Prospects -30 mins
  3. Follow up with prospects -30 mins
  4. Talk to 4-6 people about your opportunity 30 mins
Choose what works for you and your schedule, you can always change the times spent on your different task.

Your “Why”

What gets you out of bed in the morning, and has you eager to get to work everyday? What was the reason you started this journey to building an empire and creating success for yourself? Whats your reason?
Is it to help people start their own business? How about being able to work from home and staying home with your family? What about being able to be financially free and being able to quit that job you hate waking up for every morning?
What ever that reason is, that is your “Why”.
That is the fuel to the fire that will keep you on your game. When you have those down days where you don’t want to work your business, where you think things are not working, or even you may think about quitting. Remember the reason you started on this path and the outcome your looking for. You will reach the goals you want, don’t give up and keep pushing.
Original Article:     How To Stay Motivated
How To Stay Motivated In Business How To Stay Motivated In Business Reviewed by Onlne Business Solutions on 06:16:00 Rating: 5

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