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Beware Of Fake/Scam Sites

I am writing this post because I have trod that pathway before and because I believe that it behoves on those who have successfully navigated through a pathway laden with land mines, to alert those walking on that pathway of the land mines planted along it and how to avoid them, so that they do not get blown up.

Sometime in 2014, I signed up with "jobandpay", the "Company" said it was easy to earn money from them, and all that anyone needed to do as a "job" was simply to join for FREE and then start sharing his or her "unique referral link" for others to sign up with and start doing the same thing.

And so I signed up and went to town with my "unique referral link" and because of the share number of persons who were looking for "online jobs" or "online business" or "internet business", I made $500 on the very first day.

They said their payout was $300; but I wanted to make it "big" and so I waited and kept sharing my link; at the end of one week I had $5000 to my credit.

Then I applied for withdrawal and the macabre dance started!!

Each time I hit the withdrawal button, the site would send me a survey to fill and after filling it correctly, it would send me a reply "sorry we are not yet in your region". This kept going on for almost a week, I WAS NOT PAID.

I thought it was because I was in Nigeria and the IP was showing clearly, so when I had the opportunity to travel out, I repeated the same, not with my old url, but I registered afresh, had a new url, did the same sharing, had $450 the first day and applied for withdrawal; the same sequence repeated itself and at the end the system told me "sorry we are not yet in your region"

It then dawned on me that it was a FAKE/SCAM site and it was obvious that they were using visits from real persons to increase their rankings on Alexa and other sites and that they were not PAYING anybody anything.

And then, it became clear to me that any serious online business or job would not ask me to just share my url and be paid when someone signs up using it. I had made no financial investment in the Company, the Company is not in any form of service provision neither are they marketing anything; these were only clearer after I found out that the jobandpay site was fake.

Today, I see them appearing in various forms and I am like, they never get tired.

So I am just using this opportunity to reach out to anyone who is currently doing any online job or business where all you are required to do is to SIGN UP FREE, SHARE YOUR URL AND GET PAID to look closely well, that site must be related to "jobandpay" and it is fake.

Instead of wasting your time and burning your megabytes for nothing, look out for real and genuine online businesses you can do and make money - I mean real money.

But you must be willing to invest in the Company and most of them are just seed money from N500.00 to N!0, 000.00 and you would not only make your money back pretty fast, but you would make lots of profit.

If you don't know any, just ask and I shall be willing to give you the information without asking you to pay me a dime.

I am that generous

Have a very good day


Beware Of Fake/Scam Sites Beware Of Fake/Scam Sites Reviewed by Onlne Business Solutions on 07:12:00 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. There are loads of fake and scam sites on the internet; one really has to shine one's eyes to detect them; however information sharing is key here.

    Hope that this gets to as many persons as are searching for online businesses and jobs


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