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Why "Slow And Steady" LOSES The Race

Remember that story about the hare and the tortoise?

You know, the whole "slow and steady wins the race" fable.

Well, our 7 year old recently pointed out why that story is
just plain ridiculous.

He (very astutely) pointed out that the only reason the hare
lost was because he took a nap.

If he kept on going, he would have won and beat the tortoise

And, you know what?

He's right.

The hare was stupid.

Sometimes there's something to be said for being cautious and
taking your time.

But in life, and in business, you have to keep making sure you're moving forward.

(Not taking a nap)

Take product creation for example.

Most people know the best way to generate income online is to have
their own products to sell, right?

But most people don't know how to create their own product.

Or if they do, it takes them months, sometimes years.

And all the time the rest of the market is zipping by and leaving
them in the dust.

It doesn't have to be that way though...

One of the quickest ways to start selling products online is to find
something that's already done.

Something you can put YOUR name on.

And something where you can sell as much as you like, while keeping
100% of the profits.

Go find it today and I bet you surely would be on your way to the top and I would be there waiting to receive you

Speak soon

Why "Slow And Steady" LOSES The Race Why "Slow And Steady" LOSES The Race Reviewed by Onlne Business Solutions on 11:25:00 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. I remember the story very well and I also share the view that if the hare had not slept off, she would have won the competition

    Extrapolating that to business, entrepreneurs should not be napping when there is work to be done


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